
Spolostan 7L CaS FF


Chemical description Calcium salt of high-molecular condensate of naphthalenesulfonic acid with formaldehyde, with reduced content of formaldehyde
EC name Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, calcium salt
CAS # 37293-74-6
EC # 609-392-3
Spolostan 7L CaS FF is a higly efficient superplasticizing (fluidizing) admixture of gypsum slurry in the production of gypsum boards.

Physical and chemical properties

appearance at 20°C dark brown viscous liquid
density at 20°C, g/cm3, c. 1.18
dry matter, % wt. 40 ± 2
chlorides (Cl-), % wt., max. 0.05
SO42-, % wt., max. 0.3
formaldehyd, ppm, max. 10
pH, 3% aqueous solution 7.5 - 9.5

Application areas

Construction chemicals

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